Sustainability Initiative
Empowering the Beaver Island Community to achieve self-sufficiency in the three pillars of Local Foods, Clean Energy, Ecology & Cultural Resilience
Working together for a more resilient Beaver Island
Beaver Island Sustainability Initiative (BISI) means to establish Beaver Island as a regional model of sustainability and community resilience. Our efforts focus on planning and action steps that engage broad segments of the local population, as well as civic leaders, township officials, Odawa tribal members, nonprofit organizations, universities, and other entities on and off the island.
Together, we aim to achieve goals within three main pillars:

Smart, Clean Energy

Local Food Systems

Ecological & Cultural Resilience
Smart, Clean Energy
In 2022, Tara's Meadow and the BISI Smart Energy Team received an ETIPP Technical Assistance Grant from the US Department of Energy. Through this multi-year, technical assistance project, ETIPP partners work alongside remote and island communities seeking to transform their energy systems and increase energy resilience.
Beaver Island was one of just 12 communities nationwide to receive this award, and the only community in the Midwest. This achievement placed Beaver Island "on the map" at the national and even global level as a potential role model for clean energy and climate change resilience.

Energy Transitions Initiative Partnership Project (ETIPP)
Our ETIPP project provides support to Island leaders and community members as they work alongside national clean energy advisors to create a strategic energy plan. The goal of this initiative aligns with the BI Master Plan to address energy efficiency, resiliency, and to support clean energy pilot projects across the Island. Deliverables created through this project—such as an analysis of the detailed energy use needs and risks on the Island—will offer valuable insights to the BI Joint Planning Commission as they work to update the Master Plan in the near future.

Energizing Rural Communities Prize (ERCP)
On behalf of the Beaver Island Sustainability Initiative, Tara’s Meadow has been awarded the US Department of Energy and Office of Clean Energy Demonstration “Energizing Rural Communities Prize." The Energy Prize is intended to incentivize communities in rural or remote areas to take the first steps necessary in developing a clean energy project. Read more about the Energy Prize here.
The Energy Prize will enable Beaver Island to pursue these goals with a short term Clean Energy Project, and to continue on our path toward long term clean energy strategies and transitions. The first step will be the identification of essential island structures for complete energy audits and energy efficiency remediation. This will dovetail with the on-going, longer range strategies for Beaver Island energy sustainability and reliability that are currently being pursued through the BI Master Plan and through the ETIPP Technical Assistance Program.
Local Food Systems
More information coming soon!
Ecological & Cultural Resilience
More information coming soon!